Sebastian Bock

iOS Developer - Software Engineer
B.S. in Computer Science

@nscakltwitter caklgithub CVger

About me

I'm a St.Gallen Zurich based iOS developer. I studied CS at the university of applied sciences Rapperswil. I graduated this February and I'm actively looking for a job.

I'm learning swift, my current language of choice is Objective-C swift. All my knowledge on iOS programming is self-taught. I see myself as a Tshaped engineer.

I am not a web designer. - chris lattner

Some projects

Some skills

Main Language / Stack
Objective-C / iOS, little knowledge from UIKit down to AFNetworking and Core Data
Other Interests
Swift, SQL, Architectural Patterns, Mobile Security
Cocoapods, xctool, fastlane, Testflight/iTC, coveralls, Instruments
Personal Todos
Reactive Programming, Advanced Swift, Core Data, GCD

libraries, frameworks, sdks I've already worked with